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Synthesis Bombs
Hydrothermal synthesis bombs
Mineralization reactors, also called synthesis bombs, or digestion bombs, are the basic equipment of a laboratory. They are compact, inexpensive, with integrated safety devices, are ready for use and can easily be placed in a furnace, oven or thermostatically controlled bath for temperature experiments.Pressure is directly related to temperature (hydrothermal synthesis).The PTFE liner protects the stainless steel of the body and enables work with many fluids without fear of corrosion.

PN° Volume (ml) Ø A (mm) h1 (mm) Temperature °C Pressure bar Pressure Psi
2071 0000 23 26 47 220 200 2900
2072 0000 48 35 53 220 120 1740
2148 2000 100 40 80 200 120 1740
2148 3000 250 50 140 200 100 1450
2148 5000 500 70 130 200 100 1450
2148 4000 1000 79 205 200 40 580

Téléchargez la fiche technique PDFBomb technical sheet
T°C P bar V spécif % dilatation
100 1 1,047 4,7
110 1,5 1,05 5
120 2 1,06 6
130 2,7 1,069 6,9
140 3,7 1,08 8
150 4,8 1,09 9
160 6,3 1,1 10
170 8 1,114 11,4
180 10,2 1,127 12,7
190 12,8 1,14 14
200 15,8 1,15 15
210 19,5 1,172 17,2
220 23,6 1,19 19
230 28,5 1,2 20
240 34,1 1,23 23
250 40,6 1,25 25
260 47,9 1,275 27,5
270 56,1 1,3 30
280 65,5 1,332 33,2
290 75,9 1,365 36,5
300 87,6 1,403 40,3
310 100,6 1,447 44,7
320 115,1 1,49 49
330 131,2 1,56 56
340 149 1,639 63,9
350 168,6 1,74 74
360 190,4 1,894 89,4
370 214 2,3 130
374 225 3,14 214